How I Get Up in the Morning
When I first roll over to the sound of my piercing phone alarm in the morning, I am usually miserable. More often than not, I hit the snooze button and roll over to enjoy five more minutes of bliss underneath my heavy cool comforter. After the alarm finally goes off a few more times, I realize its time to start my day. I've always been a creature of sleep and am the complete opposite of a morning person (God bless my room mate for putting up with me every single morning). I will proceed to scroll through Instagram or Twitter for a few minutes before taking the tumble down from my abnormally high dorm bed.

I have most of my classes with my suite-mate Kendall, who likes sleep even more than I do. I'll usually go in and wake her up before brushing my teeth. I'll then wash my face and all that jazz. Im totally a make-up kind of girl and I'll put some on more times than not before class. It kind of consumes a big part of my morning, but doing my makeup is kind of soothing for me. If my room mate is up I'll usually put on some soft music, but nothing crazy. Picking out an outfit everyday is always a pain even though it really doesn't vary from day to day. T-shirt, leggings, some sort of jacket, and a pair of sneakers. Once I've finished putting all that on, I usually walk back into my suite-mate's room to find her still in bed. "Kendall, Im not kidding i'm going to leave without you" is what I scream to her on a daily basis, even though I really wouldn't leave without her. She manages to get ready in under five minutes, which is something I have yet to understand. Finally, we run out of the door, usually late, on our way to chemistry or biology lab.
Kendall is an unusually cheery person, so our walk to class usually consists of her talking and me nodding my head with a few "mhm's" from me sprinkled in there for good measure. Coffee is something I not only crave but need. I really wish it wasn't something I so heavily depended on because I would save a lot more money that way, but unfortunately that just isn't the case. So usually my mornings consist of dragging Kendall into a Starbucks on campus but she never complains. Class is probably starting around this this time, but out teachers usually blab on about nothing for the first ten minutes anyways. Speed walking from Starbucks to class, its always a wonder we find two seats together. Finally we sit down, grab a pen and notebook, and start our morning.