ENC 2135
ENC 2135
About Me!
My name is Rachel Liberty and I am currently attending Florida State University as a freshman. My hope and dream is to become a doctor one day, even though i'm not quite sure which kind yet. I'm majoring in biology for now, and I am enjoying so far! I am from Boca Raton, Florida and love living there. The beach is one of my favorite places to go and you can catch me there for most of my time spent at home. I spend my summers in North Carolina which is debatably my favorite place on earth. I am really passionate about my time spent there and look forward to going back every single year.
I'm seriously obsessed with all my friends and am with them most of the time. Im so incredibly fortunate to have the most amazing friends in Tallahassee, Boca, and North Carolina. Alone time is not really something I get a lot of, but thats the way I like to keep it. I think keeping people in my life makes me feel more content and love making cool memories with those people that I can always look back on. Im a HUGE believer in the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words", and I take pictures seriously wherever I go. All of these pictures usually end up on my chaotic mess of a bedroom wall, so I am also a huge believer in Scotch tape.

Coming to Florida State is something I have wanted to do since I was in elementary school so coming to Tallahassee is for sure one of my biggest accomplishments! My mom went to a really small school in Michigan for college, and my dad was lucky enough to get a job in California straight out of high school working in graphic design so he never even went to college! Because of this, growing up I knew I wanted to go to a huge school with a boatload of spirit. So, what better place than FSU?
Being away from my family is probably the hardest part about being at school. My dad is EASILY the coolest person I know and i'm super close to him. He now works with FOX and other sports networks, like ESPN, doing graphics for sports events. Along with that he's an INSANE guitar player and is almost as obsessed with music as I am. Thats another thing we really bond over. Art and design are some things I consecutively studied in high school at an advanced level, so I definitely give my dad total credit for all my artsy genes. Then there is my brother, who is undoubtably my best friend. He's 16 and all my friends are in love with him which gets annoying sometimes. Surfing is his thing and he's actually so good at it, even though I would never tell him that. And my mom, who is my identical clone in every sense of the word. We are the same person through and through which causes conflict more times than not, but we usually get over our dumb arguments within an hour or two. She's my biggest role model and has the biggest impact on my life out of anyone I know. So that was my life, nothing too special but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Me and my friends Paulina and Hannah in front of the Blue Ridge mountains in North Carolina.
The only somewhat good picture I have with my brother because he refuses to take pictures with me!
Me and my roomate Olivia doing laundry in the middle of the night