ENC 2135
ENC 2135

Project 3
White Walls

Short Assignment #1:
Narrative Proposal
For Project 3, I plan to write a short story from the perspective of someone suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder. Taking inspiration from television shows such as The Fall featuring Jamie Dorman, the short story I am writing will be told from the perspective of a teenage boy dealing with ASPD and all the challenges he faces on a day to day basis. Though this disorder is commonly associated with psychopathic serial killers, I want this short story to steer away from this stereotype. This is why I plan to write this story from the perspective of a non-violent teenage boy who will be able to live an average life with this disorder as so many others do. Telling this short story from the perspective of the main character will allow for a better opportunity to showcase his feelings and emotions more clearly, and will allow for the character’s individual journey with Antisocial Personality Disorder to be unique. For this story, I will use black 12-point font on white paper using Microsoft Word so it is easy to read with no room for distraction.
This narrative is meant to reach audiences living with Antisocial Personality Disorder who lead normal lives. The goal is to provide stories about ASPD that do not end in blood, gore, and newspaper headlines, to let those suffering with the disease know that they are not alone. This is also aimed at people who only associate Antisocial Personality Disorder with psychopaths and murderers to educate them and lead them to understand that people can live normal lives with this disorder. I am also attempting to reach young audiences by writing from the perspective from a teenager, and perhaps even young audiences with other mental health disorders.
Firstly, I will create a flyer educating those around me about the misconceptions of Antisocial Personality disorder, and how people suffering from the disorder can go on to live lives just like you and I. Then for my second supporting genre I will make a large poster to advertise my story, allowing people to get a good idea of the plot and the education behind the text. I plan to keep viewers interested in reading the story by posting daily to the social media accounts I plan to make for the advertisement of the story (Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr). This project will take a few weeks to complete due to the amount of drafts that will have to be made as well as promoting the narrative through flyers, posters, and social media.