Narrative Weakness
Without a doubt in my mind, my narrative weakness is reading books, watching movies, or listening to content that I have already read, watched, and listened to over and over again. My mom always asks me how I can possibly re-watch movies a fourth, fifth or even sixth time! Needless to say, my mom thinks I’m crazy. Some things simply just don’t get old to me and every time I read, watch or listen to something I totally fall in love with it over again. This is a serious weakness because it prevents me from experiencing new content, but sometimes I just can’t help it!
We can start with my favorite book series called The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. I have literally read each of these books 10 times and always keep them in the nightstand beside my bed. I have only ever told my BEST friends about these books because there is something so personal about them to me and I would absolutely die if they went mainstream. The first time I read them was when I was 14 and I read the first two books in only three days. The third book hadn’t come out yet, but when It did, I made my mom drive me to a Barnes and Nobles an hour away so I could stand in line for a signed copy by the author!

I go back and forth about my favorite movie on an almost daily basis, but I think at the end of it all it always comes down to Dead Poets Society starring Robin Williams. I remember watching this with my mom when I was super little and its always been her absolute favorite. This is the one exception she has to re-watching movies, and we still watch it from time to time. My mom was always very fond of Robin Williams, but I was more partial to the main character Neil Perry. I also wrote a paper on this movie over summer and it prompted me to analyze concepts about the movie I otherwise wouldn’t have, and it really made me appreciate the movie even more.

I’m going to start this by stating that it is physically impossible for me to pick my favorite song/artist. Music consumes my life and my Spotify playlists are my absolute pride and joy. That being said, there are certain songs that come to mind when thinking of my “anthem”. Both my parents are certified music FREAKS. My dad has been in millions of bands throughout his life while my mom was a real-life groupie even though she gets mad when I say that. Growing up I never really had a choice but to listen to classic rock constantly in the car or kitchen. One song that always stands out when I look back is “Edge of Seventeen” by Fleetwood Mac. My mom had a complete obsession with Steevie Nicks, and even hung out with her a few times back in the day. There’s a picture of the two of them hanging on my wall and it’s the most iconic thing I own. At the end of the day “Edge of Seventeen” might be the anthem to my life, but like I said, it’s so hard to choose.